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My parents never dated.

Dear Buff,

Yesterday was my parents wedding anniversary. It was also the anniversary of the first time they ever held hands. Something they do to this very day, and one of my favorite things to witness. My parents love each other with such a sincere, selfless love - and it all started with unthinkable faith.

Many people know their story, some of you may not, but my parents never dated. 6 months before their wedding day, they were both 100% single, until my dad realized God wanted him to marry my mom. 3 months before their wedding day (yes, she made him wait 3 months before saying yes!), my mom took a giant leap of faith and said yes to marrying my dad. On their wedding day, they started what would be the most amazing life - and incredible testimony together.

It's just become more and more mind-blowing to me lately. The more I hear them tell their story, the more I think about their lives, and the paths that led them to that day, the more incredible it all is. They didn't need to date for 3 years to know they were making the right choice. They didn't move in together to do a trial run. What they did was listen to the voice of God. They simply sought to live completely on the path He had created for them. My parents took a giant leap of faith, put all their trust in God, and from that day has blossomed the most incredible lifetime of love

I mean, I can't speak for them, but I know I grew up in the most amazing home. Everyone who has the privilege of knowing my parents, has the privilege of witnessing their beautiful souls - something that has been born out of a life of pursuing Jesus.

I just think it's the craziest, most beautiful thing in the world. I sure hope we can leave behind a legacy like they have!

Love, Ees.

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